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CAGC Foundation Scholarship Program

A total of $20,000 will be awarded to students who are entering the commercial construction industry. View last year's recipients here. We look forward to opening the 2025 scholarship application in Spring of 2025.

Scholarship Criteria:

  • University/4 Year College Scholarship - financial support to those college/university degree-seeking students that intend to pursue a career in the commercial construction. This scholarship will be awarded to a current or accepted student at an accredited University/4 Year College in North or South Carolina.
  • Technical/Trade School Scholarship - assistance for those individuals seeking to enter the commercial construction industry by obtaining the necessary skills/technical training at a trade or technical school. This scholarship will be awarded to a current or incoming students at an accredited Technical/Trade School in North or South Carolina.
Joe Livesay

Thank you for all CAGC has done for me since I joined the construction industry. I have had several employers reach out to me from the events I have attended through CAGC. Y'all's effort and passion is much appreciated and I can’t thank you enough!
Joe Livesay, 2019 & 2020 Scholarship Recipient

Application Requirements:

  • Complete Scholarship Application and have it emailed by 5pm the day of the deadline.
  • Submit copy of Official Transcripts- sealed by University/academic institution- Required from each post-secondary University/Academic institution you have attended.  
  • Write & Submit Essay- Essays are to be 500 words or less, typed or printed legibly. Response to the following prompt: How would this scholarship help you and what impact would you have on the construction industry? 
  • Submit two (2) Letters of Recommendation: Non-family, preferably current/former employer, supervisor, teacher, instructor, etc.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Anyone working in, or pursuing a career within, the commercial construction industry is invited to apply
  • Minimum 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA) for those applying for University/College or Technical/Trade School scholarship- no GPA requirement for applicants of Industry Certification/Advancement Scholarship
  • Must attend an accredited school, college or university permanently located in the Carolinas- on-line schools based in the Carolinas are eligible
  • Enrollment/Class requirements: University/4-year College Scholarship- Requirement- must be full-time student (min. 12 credit hours per academic semester)
  • Technical/Trade School- No minimum class/hours requirement- may be part time student
  • Must have at least one (1) full year left of school to apply.
  • Must have completed at least one (1) full year of college.
  • Immediate families and close relatives of Staff and Board Members of CAGC Foundation; Carolinas AGC, and its corporate entities, are NOT eligible

Questions about our Scholarship Program?

Contact Chelsea Andujar | (704) 372-1450 x5229

Making an Impact

Building a better Carolinas means more than constructing world-class projects; it’s also about creating safe, thriving communities and healthy, self-sustaining citizens. The Foundation seeks to lead its members through community service projects, throughout the Carolinas, that help provide uplifting opportunities for our fellow Carolinians.

Lane the Loader™ Fund

Inspire the Next Generation of Builders

CAGC Foundation fuels Lane the Loader™ across the Carolinas with construction-themed books. Our supporters choose which books, how many and the destination - schools, libraries, or even children's hospitals for Lane to deliver with their custom dedicated label inside. 

We were honored to deliver 615 construction-themed books to Western NC just in time for the holidays last year. Help us continue to spark imagination and interest while building a brighter future, one book at a time. 

Together, we’re building curiosity, knowledge, and dreams for the future of construction.

Berry Jenkins Memorial Work Zone Safety Fund

Financial assistance for families effected by work zone safety

Berry was known for his kind personality, dry and witty sense of humor, passion for golf, and deep knowledge and commitment to the transportation construction industry. Berry’s many accomplishments included helping secure billions of dollars in infrastructure funding, as well as improving and maintaining the interactive relationships with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) on multiple levels.

Because of Berry’s work initiatives, NC DOT is looked upon nationally as having one of the best markets and business climates for construction in the nation. Berry’s leadership earned him the 2015 Carolinas AGC Build with the Best Pinnacle Award, one of only two CAGC staff to have received that award.


Cleveland Construction
TA Loving
Diverse City Services Logo
Hall Contracting Corporation
Edison Foard Logo
Latorre Insurance
NJR Construction LLC
Daniels and Daniels
GP Supply Company
CT Wilson Logo